Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Earth - It Takes a Licking But Keeps on Ticking

     Psalms 119:90  Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.

     God established the earth. He made the earth. It continues to be here. In spite of everything that man has done to this earth, it is still here. Man cannot destroy this planet. According to Proverbs 8, Wisdom was with God when He created the heavens and the earth.  When we operate in the Wisdom of God, Wisdom will help us establish our every endeavor.  She will help us establish our home, our business, our ministry, our schooling, etc. Whatever God (Wisdom) has established, has built, has made, it will last.  Like the earth, it might take a licking, BUT it will keep on ticking!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Don't Limit the Prophetic

     Don't limit your prophetic call to solely in the pulpit.  A prophetic friend of mind has dreams about current people and events (word of knowledge), and future events (word of wisdom). She's a professional lady entrepreneur. Together, she and her husband are successful business owners. God has equipped her with natural intelligence, spiritual gifts and college education to be a successful person, AND to help her husband be a success.  Additionally, they use their gifts and talents to win souls for Christ.  It is so cool watching God work through them in the business and professional arena. No limitations.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A Prophetic Word Still Speaks

     A number of years ago, a member of the church my family attends gave a prophetic word.  She said that everything we need is in the church.  That word was spoken more than 20 years ago.  Yet, it still speaks to me today. It's letting me know that,

1.  I will have needs.
2.  God has already made provisions for my needs to be taken care of.

     God's Word is living. It is powerful.  It never grows old.  It never dies. Hebrews 4:12 says "For the word of God is quick, and powerful..."  The word "quick" is alive.  The Word of God is alive, it is living.  I believe it.