Guest Blogger

This is a message from heaven! 

By Elder Moses L. Price, Jr.

          No, wait a minute.  That’s too old school.  How about:  send out an email blast, a text or a Facebook status update to all believers.
          Picture this: there’s a large conference table in heaven.  There’s a meeting going on between God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  The topic is the condition of man and the state of the world.
          The Father turned to the Holy Spirit and poses a question: “Holy Spirit,” He asked, “did You inspire holy men of old to write the Bible?”  The Holy Spirit said, “Yes.” The Father turned to the Son and said, “Jesus, did You die and were You raised from the dead to provide redemption for fallen man?”  Jesus answered, “Yes.” 
          After hearing the answers to those two questions, God the Father asked one last thing, “How can we get believers to expand the Kingdom of God?”  After much deliberation, the Godhead decided to send out email blasts, texts and Facebook status updates to all believers everywhere to get them to buy into the idea of expanding the Kingdom of God.  They decided to use Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers to remind believers of the importance of going out and winning the lost to Jesus (Ephesians 4:11-12). 
          They also chose to use these Five Ministry gifts to remind all believers that every saint of God has been called into the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-19).  They would show believers how to go and teach (make disciples) out of all nations (races) of people, teaching them to do the Word of God, being confident that Jesus would be with them until the end of the ages (Matthew 28:18-20). 
          After the meeting, God the Father set down on His throne, God the Son set on His right hand side and the Holy Spirit took the heavenly elevator down to the earth to live in man.